The Woke Stutters Podcast
The Woke Stutters Podcast
Episode 23: Author of the upcoming memoir "A Girl's Faith", Karina Calver
Episode 23: Author of the upcoming memoir "A Girl's Faith, Karina Calver
For episode 23 of the Woke Stutters Podcast, I am joined by Karina Calver. Karina is vegan, a trauma and relationship counselor, motivational speaker and author of the upcoming memoir A Girl’s Faith. A Girl’s Faith , due out in January, is a memoir about the extremely difficult years she endured and how she has turned her life around and become the woman she is today. Karina is one of the leaders of Hong Kong’s #Metoo movement. She speak outs in the press and is an organizer for the ‘#Metoo. Now what? Workshop’, where everyone is invited to learn, understand and tackle the horrible thing that is sexual abuse. Karina is a true inspiration and it was an honor speaking with her. With out further or due, I give you, Karina Calver.