The Woke Stutters Podcast
The Woke Stutters Podcast
Episode 14: Animal Rights Hall of Fame Awardee & Founder and Executive Director of the Food Empowerment Project, Lauren Ornelas
Episode 14
Lauren Ornelas - Founder and Executive Director of the Food Empowerment Project
Lauren has been active in the animal rights movement for more than 30 years. She is the former executive director of Viva!USA, a national nonprofit vegan advocacy organization that Viva!UK asked her to start in 1999. While lauren was the director of Viva!USA, she investigated factory farms and ran consumer campaigns. In cooperation with activists across the country, she persuaded Trader Joe’s to stop selling all duck meat and achieved corporate changes within Whole Foods Market, Pier 1 Imports, and others, and she helped halt the construction of an industrial dairy operation in California. lauren was also the spark that got the founder of Whole Foods Market to become a vegan. In addition, she served as campaign director with the Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition for six years. Watch
Source : Food Empowerment Project - Our Team
Found out more Lauren and her work @
Support The Food Empowerment Project : Donate
Lauren’s TEDx Talk: Watch on YouTube
Links to other things mentioned in the Podcast:
- F.E.P.’s Chocolate List app
- Vallejo: City of Opportunity Lacks Access to Healthy Food
- Bringing Community Voices to the Table; Food Access in San José Data Analysis
Book Recommendations:
- Striking at the Roots: A Practical Guide to Animal Activism: New Tactics, New Technology
- Bleating Hearts: The Hidden World of Animal Suffering
- A Vegan Ethic: Embracing a Life of Compassion Toward All
Author Recommendations:
- Carol Adams
- Practice Jones
- Tracye McQuarter
- Dr. Breeze Harper
- Aph Ko
- Mark Hawthorne
- Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
- Sandra Cisneros